Bad Weather Makes The Ditpolairud Of The Riau Islands Police More Alert

Bad weather has hit the waters of the Riau Islands in recent days. To anticipate things that are not desirable, the Directorate of Water and Air Police of the Riau Islands Police has alerted several patrol boats.

The patrol boats on standby will later be on guard at locations that have a lot of sea transportation, namely people's ports, international ports, and around fishermen looking for fish.

"We have alerted patrol boats belonging to Ditpolairud to anticipate unwanted things due to bad weather in recent days," said Director of Polairud of the Riau Islands Police, Senior Commissioner Boy Herlambang, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 4.

"Unanya agar apabila terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, petugas kami bisa segera membantu," lanutnya.

He explained that the heavy rain, strong winds and high waves made his party more extra in alerting patrol boats and officers.

Kombes Boy also asked the public to immediately report or contact patrol officers if they know of an accident at sea.

"To the people who see or become victims, immediately report to us. We will immediately go to the location mentioned," said Boy.

He also appealed to all fishermen and other users of sea transportation to be more careful when at sea.

"Always monitor the weather forecast from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), always use safety jackets and immediately contact officers if they experience problems at sea," he said.