Climbing A 5 Meter High Wall, 4 Prisoners In Palangka Raya Escape Via Barbed Wire

PALANGKA RAYA - The Class IIA Palangka Raya Penitentiary, Central Kalimnantan, continues to search for four escaped prisoners by climbing a five-meter high wall. Currently, the prisoners are believed to be still around the location.

The inmates escaped by climbing the wall on the right side of the prison on Friday, March 3, at around 23.00 WIB. Currently, officers are still pursuing it.

Head of Class IIA Palangka Raya Prison Chandra Lestyono, revealed the identities of the four inmates. They are named Prihartono (47), Pancareno Ramakencana (19), JUHIA Aji Nurmako (26) and Abdul Rahman (44)

"In the search for the four escaped prisoners, we were assisted by the Palangka Raya Police and Kodim 1016 Palangka Raya," he said, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 4.

He said the four escaped convicts consisted of two murder convicts, one convict in a weighted theft case, and one prisoner in a sexual harassment case. The different inmates in the cell space climbed the wall with the tools prepared.

During the escape, the prison officers allegedly knew about their actions so that the four of them fled easily by climbing the wall of the prison building as high as five meters more and the top on a barbed wire.

"We are still investigating the tool used to climb the prison wall. Then on the wall there are only footprints that are suspected to be the footprints of the escaped prisoners," he explained.

Furthermore, Chandra also straightened out the information on social media that one of the escaped prisoners was carrying a sharp weapon.

"Once again I emphasize that the prisoner who escaped with a sharp weapon is not true. Currently, we are continuing to track the four escaped prisoners," he explained.

He also appealed to all people in the local area if they saw or found the whereabouts of the prisoners to immediately report to the police or the prison so that the officers immediately followed up.

"When they see their whereabouts, the public should not be afraid and immediately report the matter to the police or prison officials so that they are returned to the local prison," concluded Chandra Lestyono.

Previously, a photo of four inmates from Class IIA Palangka Raya prison who escaped was spread across every WA group and social media. In fact, the local community was made restless with information regarding the inmates who reportedly carried sharp weapons while fleeing.