Legal Counsel Calls Series Of Articles That Ensnared Mario Dandy Satrio, Evidence There Is No Intervention

JAKARTA - Mario Dandy Satrio's attorney, Dolfie Rompas, assessed the series of articles that ensnared his client as evidence of no intervention from any party. Because, said Dolfie Rompas, David's party handed over the entire legal process to the police.

It is known that the police added the article that ensnared Mario Dandy Satrio for the severe punishment for the children of GP Ansor cadres. As for the articles added, one of them is Article 355 of the Criminal Code.

"We need to straighten it out because so far it is suspected that there is a possibility of intervening, it is from the family (Mario) who once circulated as if this had to be escorted. Because there may be intervention," said Dolfi when confirmed, Friday, March 3.

"But the fact is, we will see that there is an additional article. It means that this process does not intervene from the family (Mario). Because we still believe that the South Jakarta Metro Police and currently the Polda Metro Jaya are holding," he added.

On that occasion, Dolfi asked all parties not to intervene in the case that ensnared his client. So, according to him, the law is enforced professionally without any pressure from anyone.

"We hope that this legal process will run professionally without any pressure or intervention from any party. At this time we try to respect what has been determined by the Regional Police while we will later assess," he concluded.

Mario Dandy Satrio is suspected of under Article 355 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 354 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, which is more subsidiary to Article 353 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, which is more subsidiary to Article 352 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code. Then, Article 76c junto Article 80 of the child protection law. Mario was proven to have committed the planned persecution.