Here Are Tips For Reading Food Composition Labels

JAKARTA - The composition and information on the nutritional value listed on food product packaging can provide important information for parents to determine nutritional intake for children.

According to medical nutrition expert at the Faculty of Medicine, Universias Indonesia (FKUI), Dr. dr. Saptawati Bardosono, M.Sc, there are several steps that can be taken in reading the composition and information on the nutritional value of packaged foods to ensure adequate intake of children's nutrition.

"First, pay attention to the order of product composition or ingredients contained in the product. The composition sequence shows the highest quantity or amount of material contained in the product," said Saptawati, as quoted by ANTARA.

The next step is to pay attention to the amount of food doses combined with total calories (energy) obtained per dose of food.

"If the food dose is two, it means that in one product the total calorie amount obtained is multiplied by two food doses," he said.

Furthermore, parents must also limit their children to consuming foods with certain nutritional content such as saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol and sodium. All these ingredients are generally listed in food product packaging.

"Also pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates, such as sugar. Daily intake of sugar or sucrose should not be more than 2.5 tablespoons per day, if it is excessive it can trigger obesity," he said.

Saptawati said information about specific nutrients such as probiotics in lactobacillus is also important to observe because probiotic substances are useful to ward off bad bacteria in the intestines.

"Another step is to pay attention to the percentage of nutritional adequacy figures or AKG based on daily energy needs," he said.