7 Mandatory Road Bike Cycling Techniques Are Known To Be Beginners

YOGYAKARTA The road bike cycling technique discussed in the following article is aimed at beginners who want to start a great adventure with their two wheels on the asphalt road.

By understanding road bike cycling techniques, every human being can ride even better.

Road bikes are a type of bicycle to drive on an asphalt road or smooth road. This bike is designed to drive on a long track and requires speed.

Road bike cyclists can go at a speed of 30-50 km per hour. For athletes, the speed can reach 60 km per hour.

If you want to ride a road bike, there are some important technicalities to know, including:

This technique must be considered by beginners who want to ride road bikes. The reason is, the road bike that is usually used to travel long distances requires body resistance in pedaling bicycles.

Well, one of the things that affects the body's resistance when cycling road bikes is the saddle position.

Sadel must be in the right position so that the wood is maximum. The way to find out is to lower the leg to the bottom of the saddle position. The position of the legs try to bend slightly 25 degrees and nothing more.

In addition to Sadel, the position of handwidth must also be considered properly. To maintain your body's resistance, stretch must be in the right place, which is a little below the saddle, but not too low.

If the handlewidth position is too low, road bike cyclists can experience several health problems. Inaccurate handwidth positions can affect spinal health.

When pedaling a road bike, make sure the soles of the feet are right on the pedal. The position of the legs like this can reduce the risk of injury.

As mentioned above, road bike bikes are designed to be able to move at high speeds. Therefore, people who drive them must be able to maintain balance.

A road bike cyclist is advised not to act on too crowded roads because the nutrients slow down very much.

Quoted from Bike Radar, while driving a road bike, be assertive, stay away from ditches and remember that you have the same right to be on the road as anyone else.

To drive safely in traffic, you need to know the difference between the position of 'primer' (left center) and'seconder' (about one meter to the left of the moving traffic lane), and use it properly.

Bicycles have two brakes, on each side of the hand. If you want to stop the bike safely, you need to know which brakes are the most effective.

According to Bike Radar, the front brake is much more effective than the rear brake in stopping bicycles. Therefore, try to achieve 60/40 or 70/30 power distribution between front and rear. But be careful not to lock. Modern brakes are quite powerful and you don't want to pass the handlebar.

As you corner, make sure your outer pedal is at its lowest position, with pressure on it. This will give you more grip, especially on the wet road, and reduce the chances of slipping.

That's information about road bike cycling techniques. To get other interesting information, keep reading VOI.ID.