Tax Employees Allegedly Affected By Fraudulent Investments, Ministry Of Finance: Clear Personal Problems

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) responded to the issue of the North Sumatra II Regional Office tax employee on behalf of Bursok Anthony Marton (BAM) who was suspected of being involved in fraudulent investments. Through the spokesman for the Ministry of Finance Yustinus Prastowo, the agency led by Sri Mulyani spoke up.

"Clear, this is a personal matter," he was quoted as saying Friday, March 3.

According to Yustinus, he had indeed complained about the problems that befell him in 2022 (not 2021) through the internal channel of the Ministry of Finance WISE. However, Yustinus said that BAM did not complete it with adequate evidence.

"The complaint has been verified at the Inspectorate General (Itjen). However, it has not been followed up and asked the reporter to detail the complaint. Itjen has also forwarded a complaint to the OJK with a letter S-11/IJ.9/2022 dated April 21, 2022," he said.

In previous reports, this problem stems from BAM's USD 500 investment in certain virtual trading applications in 2019. Problems arose when he tried to withdraw his funds of USD 100 but was rejected by the virtual application.

Investigate a calibaration, BAM found that this application was not officially registered and did not even have NPWP.

"Not followed up at all. Even closed by the minister by stating that my complaint had been transferred to the OJK," said BAM.