Amid David's Persecution Case, Suryo Utomo Comes To Gus Yahya's House Asking NU Residents To Still Pay Taxes

JAKARTA - Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo visited PBNU General Chair Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) at his private home in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta. Suryo's arrival attracted public attention in the midst of the case of mistreatment of the son of the Ansor GP management, David, by the son of the Directorate General of Taxes.

The visit of the Director General of Taxes to PBNU - said the Directorate General - is a routine meeting and is friendly. Last year, the Director General of Taxes visited various community leaders and religious organizations, including NU.

In the gathering on Thursday, March 2, the Director General of Taxes asked for support from all people, especially NU residents, to continue to participate in building Indonesia through taxes.

"We from the Directorate General of Taxes today stay in touch, the aim and purpose is to invite all of us, especially the NU community to continue to participate in carrying out national development, protecting Indonesia better through tax payments," said the Director General of Taxes, quoted from the official website of the Directorate General of Taxes.

PBNU general chairman Gus Yahya received the arrival of the Director General of Taxes and said he always supports DGT in collecting taxes used to build the country.

"NU families and their ulama will always be istiqomah on the part of the country, what is the interest of the state," said Gus Yahya.

However, Gus Yahya still requested that state officials who have been given the mandate to manage the country always maintain accountability in carrying out their duties.

"We call on the government to have its organs and apparatus act accountable in carrying out state duties. NU is always ready for the sake of the state, including supervising improper practices from state apparatuses," he said.

The Directorate General of Taxes is honored that NU is always in line with the government and continues to support DGT in collecting taxes for the benefit of the state.

The meeting lasted about an hour. From the DGT, the Director General of Taxes accompanied by the Expert Staff of the Minister of Finance for Tax Compliance Yon Arsal, the Director General of Management, Financing, and Risk Suminto, and the Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations Neilmaldrin Noor. Meanwhile, Gus Yahya was accompanied by several PBNU administrators, including Jusuf Hamka and Alisa Qotrunnada Wahid.