KY Will Summon The Central Jakarta District Court Judge Who Decides To Postpone The 2024 Election

The Judicial Commission (KY) will pay close attention to the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (Jakpus) regarding the postponement of the 2024 General Election which is in the spotlight. The investigation will be carried out by summoning the judge to hear the civil lawsuit of the People's Fair and Prosperous Party (Prima).

"KY will investigate the decision, especially to see if there are any suspected violations of behavior. One part of the investigation could be by calling the judge for clarification," said KY Spokesperson Miko Ginting in a written statement received by VOI, Friday, March 3.

If a violation is found later, said Miko, an examination of the panel of judges will be carried out. It is certain that KY will focus on the aspect of alleged ethical violations.

Meanwhile, the substance of this institution's decision does not want to talk much. "The right forum to strengthen or change this decision is through legal remedies. Domain KY focuses on aspects of alleged violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct of judges," he said.

Furthermore, KY will also communicate with the Supreme Court (MA). They will see this decision based on several aspects, including the behavior of the relevant judges.

It is known that the postponement of the election is a decision that won the civil lawsuit filed by the People's Fair and Prosperous Party (Prima).

Initially, the Prima Party sued the KPU to the Central Jakarta District Court because it felt aggrieved by the election organizers. The reason is that they are considered ineligible in undergoing registration and verification of political parties that are candidates for the 2024 General Election.

As a result of this, Prima could not continue the election stages to factual verification. This party then said that the KPU was not careful in conducting administrative verification and called the Political Party Information System (Sipol) problematic.

Furthermore, Prima sued the KPU civil system to the Central Jakarta District Court last December 8. The Central Jakarta District Court's decision came out with case number 757/Pdt.G/2022/PN Jkt.Pst on Thursday, March 2.

The following is the sound of the Central Jakarta District Court's decision:

1. Accept the plaintiff's lawsuit in its entirety;2. State that the Plaintiff is a political party that was harmed in administrative verification by the defendant; 3. State that the defendant has committed an act against the law; 4. Punishing the defendant to pay material compensation of Rp500,000,000 to the Plaintiff;5. Punishing the defendant not to carry out the remaining 2024 General Election stages since this decision was pronounced and carrying out the general election stage from the beginning for approximately 2 years 4 months 7 days; 6. State that the decision of this case can be carried out immediately (uitvoerbaar bij voorraad); 7. Setting the court fee charged to the defendant in the amount of Rp. 410,000.