PPP Supports KPU To File An Appeal To Central Jakarta District Court's Decision On The Postponement Of Election

JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) responded to the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) which ordered the General Election Commission (KPU) to postpone the 2024 election stages after granting the Prima Party's lawsuit.

PPP supports the KPU to use its right of appeal as a legal remedy against the decision.

"We must respect the court's decision wherever it is. Of course, as a rule of law, the next process and stage, in this case, is an appeal. Because the related party is the KPU which is most affected by the decision, we encourage the KPU to exercise its right of appeal," said the DPP chairman. PPP Achmad Baidowi or Awiek told reporters, Thursday, March 2.

The secretary of the PPP faction in the DPR said support for the KPU to appeal because his party was unable to take certain steps to respond to the Central Jakarta District Court decision.

"We at PPP can't do anything either, because we don't know there's a court decision. There's a lawsuit in court, because what's being sued is the KPU, not the political parties participating in the election," he explained.

Because of this, the deputy head of the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR stated that PPP supports the KPU in facing the lawsuit according to the law. In this case, make an appeal legal effort.

"We support the KPU to continue to face the lawsuit in accordance with applicable law. For example, the KPU has an appeal, it is the KPU's right. Because indeed the decision of any court must be respected," said Awiek.

"Regarding the next steps, those are the stages that are allowed by law related to appeals or so on," he added.

Previously, the chairman of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari would file an appeal as a legal follow-up to the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) which ordered the General Election (Pemilu) to be postponed for around 2 years or until 2025.

The appeal is being submitted in line with the ongoing stages of the 2024 election.

"KPU will seek legal appeals," said Hasyim in a short message, Thursday, March 2.

It is known that the postponement of the election was a decision that won a civil lawsuit filed by the Adil Makmur People's Party (Prima).

Initially, the Prima Party sued the KPU at the Central Jakarta District Court because they felt they had been harmed by the organizers of the election. This is because the KPU stated that the Prima Party did not meet the requirements in undergoing the registration and verification of political parties as candidates for the 2024 Election.

As a result, the Prima Party could not continue the election stages to factual verification. Prima Party does not accept. In their study, Prima said that the KPU was not thorough in carrying out administrative verification.

Prima also views the Political Party Information System (Sipol) as problematic and causes the party to not pass the administrative verification stage.

Prima's civil lawsuit against the Central Jakarta District Court with the defendant, namely the Indonesian KPU, was filed on December 8. The Central Jakarta District Court decision came out with case number 757/Pdt.G/2022/PN Jkt.Pst on Thursday, March 2.

The following is the verdict of the Central Jakarta District Court:

1. Accept the plaintiff's lawsuit in its entirety;

2. Declare that Plaintiff is a political party that was harmed in the administrative verification by Defendant;

3. Declare the defendant has committed an unlawful act;

4. Ordering Defendant to pay material compensation of IDR 500,000,000 to Plaintiff;

5. Punish the defendant not to carry out the remaining stages of the 2024 General Election since this decision was pronounced and carry out the general election stages from the beginning for approximately 2 years 4 months 7 days;

6. Declare that the decision, in this case, can be executed immediately (uitvoerbaar bij voorraad);

7. Determined that the court costs be charged to the defendant in the amount of IDR 410,000.