Investment Book Writer Robert Kiyosaki Warns World Economy On The Verge Of Destruction

JAKARTA - Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, has again warned about the deteriorating global economic conditions. Kiyosaki argues that the world economy is on the verge of collapse and issued several warnings that could harm investors.

For your information alone, Kyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad has been the best-selling book for more than six years and sold more than 32 million copies in more than 109 countries.

He reminded about the risks that could occur in banks, such as freezing savings and bail-in if banks went bankrupt. This could cause financial losses to investors. Kiyosaki then encouraged investors to buy silver on the grounds that the price of silver, which is around US$25 (Rp381 thousand) will continue to increase.

The famous writer has often expressed his distrust of the Biden administration, the Federal Reserve, the Ministry of Finance, and Wall Street. He said that the Fed's actions could destroy the US economy and the dollar. Kiyosaki also often expressed concern about the upcoming fall of the market and warned against investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETF.

Kiyosaki recommends gold, silver, and bitcoin as the best investment for unstable times. He calls gold and silver God's money, while bitcoin is "people's money."

He predicts that by 2025, the price of bitcoin will be US$500 (around Rp7.6 billion), gold will rise to US$5,000 (equivalent to Rp76 million), and silver will soar to US$500 (Rp.7.6 million) This year, he estimates the price of gold will reach US$3,800 (Rp58 million) and silver will reach US$75 (Rp1.1 million).

Kiyosaki said that gold, silver, and BTC holders would be richer when Fed did the pivot and scored trillions of dollars. He also warned that we are in a global recession that could lead to soaring bankruptcy, unemployment, and homelessness. Therefore, he invites investors to get ready and pay attention to the current economic situation.