Police Arrest Bandar Judi Togel's Hand In Kendari, Central Sulawesi

The Unit Team of the Law Enforcement Task Force (Satgas Gakkum) of the Resmob of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda Sulteng) arrested a man HE (54) as a lottery gambling dealer in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi.

Head of Public Relations of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Pol Ferry Walintukan, said the man with the initials HE was arrested when the team carried out community disease operations.

"The person concerned is a lottery dealer or white coupon and was caught when the Southeast Sulawesi Police Resmob Team carried out a concentrated operation this morning," said Kombes Pol Ferry, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 1.

He revealed that the man who was arrested was suspected of being a lottery book dealer because from HE's hands, the police found a number of evidences in the form of lottery installation numbers and cash.

"The evidence that the officers secured from the dealer's hands included four sheets of number installation and zodiac, Rp1,030,000 in cash," said Ferry.

In addition, continued Kombes Pol Ferry, the police also confiscated other evidence, namely two mobile phones that were allegedly used to receive orders and the installation of numbers and Shio, four ATMs and 15 empty recaps.

"HE was secured for further examination and suspected Article 303 concerning Gambling," said Kombes Pol Ferry.

Kombes Pol Ferry added that the suspect HE had his address at Jalan Bahagia, Bonggoeyya Village, Wua-Wua District, Kendari City.

"So the man who is suspected of being a lottery gambling dealer has his address at Jalan Bahagia, Bonggoeya Village. HE is an Ojek driver every day," added Kombes Pol Ferry.