The Effect Of Eating Spicy When Pregnant Young That Should Be Watched Out For

YOGYAKARTA It turns out that there are still many people who believe that the spicy food consumed by pregnant women can affect the fetus. The effects of eating spicy when pregnant are actually not related to the fetus at all.

Hot food does not trigger miscarriage or premature birth of the baby, so the trust is just a myth. However, spicy food will have a huge impact on the health of pregnant women's bodies.

Quoted from the Halodoc site, a 2019 study showed that pregnant women's liquids had changed when pregnant women ate certain foods. But there has been no more specific study regarding the relation of spicy food to pregnancy directly.

The fetus will remain safe even though pregnant women eat spicy food, but pregnant women are still at risk of experiencing certain health problems. This means that pregnant women must pay attention to the food consumed during pregnancy.

The impact of spicy food on the body of pregnant women depends on the gestational age and the condition of each body. The effects of eating spicy when pregnant in the first trimester may not make the mother's health decrease and the baby's development is not affected. However, spicy food can worsen the morning situation.

Morning sickness is a condition in which pregnant women will feel nauseous that leads to vomiting. This condition will be experienced at the age of 6 weeks or the second month of pregnancy. At this stage, pregnant women become very sensitive due to the increase in the hormone estrogen. There is a possibility that pregnant women will convert or vomit when they smell the aroma of spicy food.

The effect of spicy food on mental health is felt in the second and third trimester. The impact that pregnant women can feel at this time when eating spicy foods such as heartburn. Disorders arise because during this time the womb of pregnant women will grow and have an impact on rising stomach acid to the concavity.

In addition, the effect of eating spicy food during pregnancy also has the potential to cause the following health problems.

Although there has been no valid study regarding the impact of spicy food on the fetus, the public should know that eating raw chili dishes is something that pregnant women cannot do. The reason is, there is a culinary dish in the form of chili made from crude chili.

It is feared that there are still chemical fertilizers or other chemicals related to the agricultural process in raw chilies. These substances certainly have a certain impact not only on the health of pregnant women but also on the risk of the fetus.

In addition, raw chili has the potential to become an intermediary for viruses, bacteria, or other diseases that will interfere with the health of pregnant women and the fetus.

Before cooking, cooking foods for pregnant women must be washed and processed in the right and right way to avoid bad risks to health.

Apart from being related to the spicy effects of eating when pregnant. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.