Recognition Of Tax Employees Regarding Reports To Sri Mulyani Regarding Allegations Of PT Bodong

YOGYAKARTA - Head of the Sub-Division of Administration and Household of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of North Sumatra II, Bursok Anthony Marton, has been honest regarding sending messages to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, which was adrift of state losses of up to trillions of rupiah which resulted in news hoaxes related to the confession of tax employees regarding reports to Sri Mulyani.

But the information is said to have not been heeded by Sri Mulyani or the Ministry of Finance's Ministry of Finance's DGT (Ministry of Finance).

The information submitted by Bursok on May 27, 2021, said that there was a tax violation by a fraudulent industry. Bursok said the information had tickets for TKT-21E711063 and no registration for eml- 2022- 0020- 9d33 and Eml- 2022- 0023-24a6.

"It was not followed up at all. Even closed by the minister (Sri Mulyani) by stating that my complaint had been transferred to the OJK (financial service authority) with a letter that I suspect was fraudulent because the OJK had never received the official letter in question and the minister could not show the archive of the alleged fraudulent letter to me even though I had asked for it via email three times," said Bursok, quoted from detikcom, Thursday (2/3).

Information about Bursok comes when the wife tries to make a profit of US$500 at and the OctaFX application in 2019. She sent money to PT Antares Payment Method's virtual account ( branch member in Indonesia).

However, for the Bursok cases arise when he seeks to withdraw a budget of US$100 from his account. He delivers that the revocation menu does not work at all. He then filed a complaint on Capital. com, but did not get a reply.

The Bursok then carried out checks on the whereabouts of PT Antares Payment Method. In fact, he knows that the industry in question does not have an NPWP.

"Which I found was that PT Antares Payment Method did not have NPWP, which means that this company has not paid taxes since it became a 'branch' from in Indonesia until now," said Bursok in a written report to the DPR.

He also carried out an examination on the web of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) and in fact PT Antares Payment Method was not listed. The Bursok then concluded that PT Antares Payment Method was a fraudulent industry.

Not only ending there, but Bursok also carried out an examination of the validity of PT Beta Access Vouchers (OtaFX) to the Kemenkumham website. As a result, the industry also does not have NPWP.

Recognizing this matter, Bursok after that told several parties his findings because for him the fraudulent industry that did not have NPWP did not pay off its taxes. But this report did not get the response as he hoped.

"I also filed this case with the Directorate General of Taxes, OJK and North Sumatra Police, which until now my case with the OJK has not been heeded at all," he said in the report. Meanwhile, at the Directorate General of Taxes and at the North Sumatra Police, this case seems like walking in place," explained Bursok.

Furthermore, Bursok has ambitions to increase the problem of alleged crimes attempted by a fraudulent industry to be investigated quickly.

At this time, he is waiting so that the Ministry of Finance, which Sri Mulyani is headed, can follow up on the complaint within five days. If this is not followed up, he frankly wants to bring this matter to the police.

"I'm waiting no later than five working days for you to finish it. If the five days are over, I will report it to the police," said Bursok.

So after knowing the tax employee's confession about the report to Sri Mulyani, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!