Buron For 3 Years, Sadistic Thugs Killing Cigarettes In Tambora Successfully Arrested

JAKARTA Ended with the escape of ASM alias Tian avoiding the police for 3 years. The fugitive from the Tambora Police was arrested for a criminal act of robbery that caused the victim to die.

The robbery incident occurred on Jalan TSS Raya, RT 001/005, South Duri Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta in 2020. Tian Berhitung with his colleague, A who had been arrested earlier.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama explained that the victim was a man named Herna, a resident of Duri Dalam Village, South Duri Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta. He is a cigarette seller.

"Initially, the perpetrator wanted to take the victim's cellphone, but because the victim fought and shouted, perpetrator and colleague A panicked. Then Tian immediately took out a sickle hidden from behind the sweater, the victim was stabbed once until it hit the left chest," said Kompol Putra when contacted, Thursday, February 2.

Unfortunately, the victim did not survive. Because the wound was quite severe. Tian was also hunted by members of the police

"During the DPO for almost 3 years, the perpetrators always moved from place to place to escape from the police," he said.

Meanwhile, Tian's colleague, A, fled to Surabaya, East Java. However, A was finally arrested by the Rungkut Police, Surabaya Police in May 2021 for a robbery case in Surabaya.

"We managed to catch the Tian perpetrator thanks to information from residents who knew him. And now we have detained him at the Tambora Police," he explained.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 365 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.