Profile Of The Acting Regent Of Bogor Iwan Setiawan Who Was Highlighted Because Of The Oath Ready To Step On The Al Quran

YOGYAKARTA In this article, the profile of the Acting Regent of Bogor Iwan Setiawan will be discussed which is considered insulting to the Al Quran.

This assumption arose after Iwan said the sentence ready to "step on" the Quran, if there was a practice of buying and selling positions in the mutation of a number of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the Bogor Regency Government.

"When I talk about buying and selling positions, I say while visiting the Qur'an, wani (dare)," replied Iwan after being asked by reporters regarding the issue of buying and selling positions within the Bogor Regency Government, Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

After his statement became a polemic, Iwan apologized to the public. Iwan emphasized that he did not intend to humiliate Muslims and the holy book.

"I'm sorry that sentence came out, that's to emphasize. Humans are the place of mistake, to all Muslims I apologize if I feel disturbed," said Iwan, quoting Antara.

He admitted that he had no intention of really stepping on the Koran, because he, who grew up in the Nurul Haq Cisarua Islamic Boarding School, learned a lot about how to glorify the Al Quran.

According to him, because he wanted to emphasize that there was no buying and selling in the mutational rotation process, he issued the oath sentence as the highest form of affirmation. However, in his hasty condition, there is a wrong sentence regarding the Al Quran oath.

Iwan is a Gerindra Party politician. He was born in Bogor on December 2, 1970.

In the Bogor Regent Election (Pilbub), Iwan stepped forward as a candidate for deputy regent, accompanying Ade Yasin who was running as a candidate for regent.

The pair of cabup and cawabup number 2 managed to get out as winners of the 2018 Bogor Pilbub after pocketing 912,221 or 39 percent of the votes.

The pair managed to outperform four other candidates. The four pairs defeated by Ade Yasin-Iwan Setiawan namely Ade Ruhandi (Jaro Ade)-Inggrid Maria Palupi Kansil (859,444 voters or 38.74 percent of the vote), Fitri Putra Nugraha-Bayu Syahjohan (177,153 voters or 7.99 percent of the vote), Ade Wardhana Adinata-Asep Ruhiyat (168,733 votes or 7.61 percent), and Gunawan Hasan-Ficky Rhoma Irama (100,745 votes or 4.54 percent).

In April 2022, Iwan was appointed Acting Regent of Bogor, replacing Ade Yasin who was affected by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Hand Catch Operation (OTT).

The OTT was carried out on April 26-17, 2022, Ade Yasin along with 11 other people were caught in a bribery case, where Ade and a number of his staff poured around 1.9 billion money to several BPK officials so that BPK would provide a Fair Without Exception (WTP) predicate to the Bogor Regency Government.

Iwan's appointment as Acting Regent of Bogor was based on the results of a meeting with the Bogor Regency Government, also an order from the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil.

Quoted from the official website of the Bogor Regency Government, Iwan served as a member of the Bogor Regency DPRD in 2009-2014, then the Deputy Chairperson of the Bogor Regency DPRD for the 2014-2018 period.

Education History Iwan Setiawan

Iwan Setiawan's Career

This is information about the profile of the Acting Regent of Bogor, Iwan Setiawan, who is considered insulting the Koran. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.