5 Simple Habits That Can Improve Your Mental Health, Want To Try?

JAKARTA - Maybe you often hear a sentence that says emotional health is very important for one's well-being. Yes, it is true. Apart from physical health, mental health is also very important to maintain.

The meaning of health is not only judged by how well the body performs its functions, but also by how happy and balanced the quality of one's mind and body is. According to WHO, people with mental health problems die 10 to 20 years earlier than normal people.

From this, it is clear that maintaining mental well-being is very important. To be more awake, here are five ways you can take care of your mental health.

Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels)

A study has shown that things that accumulate in the house can cause chaos effects that are immediately received by the brain. The brain will feel disturbed so that it slows down the process of receiving information.

For this reason, decluttering or throwing away unused items can be made a simple habit to improve mental health. Other studies have also shown that a messy house can increase the stress hormone cortisol, especially in women.

So from now on, make a plan to get rid of or sort things that are not used. You can donate or sell to a thrift store. Who knows, it's more useful if someone else uses it, right?

Reading book
Illustration (Cottonbro / Pexels)

One way to improve mental health is by reading books. Research has shown that reading books can reduce symptoms of depression and improve mental flexibility and brain function.

But make sure the book you read really grabs attention and suits your taste. Set aside at least 30 to 40 minutes a day to read quietly.

Raise animals
Illustration (Dominica Roseclay / Pexels)

A study reported on the Webmd page shows that relaxing while playing with a dog or cat for 10 minutes has been shown to be effective at lowering the hormone cortisol. Therefore, in America many students are interested in joining the pet-to-destress program.

If you have pets, try to spend at least 20 minutes per day extra playing to reduce stress levels. Otherwise, you could go to the adoption house to play with the pets there.

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Walk in nature
Illustration (Rachel Claire / Pexels)

You can do ecotherapy or walk in nature to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. A 2015 study showed that people who walk more in nature have lower stress levels than those who do it less frequently.

So, start greeting the outside world with a leisurely walk around the house two to three times a week for 30 minutes. Then, feel for yourself the benefits you get if you do this activity regularly.

Maintain communication with people around
Illustration (Armin Rimoldi / Pexels)

When you feel sad, of course you want people to be empathetic. However, you also have to be open with those around you if you want to be heard. Always make time for friends and family. Give help if they are in need.

Believe me, if you help others, the positive energy that is spread will return to oneself. Do not use the pandemic period as an excuse to cut ties with relatives or family. Try to take advantage of the sophistication of technology to keep in touch.