Tips On Maintenance Of Easter Lily Flowers To Grow Mekar And Subur

JAKARTA - Easter fire or Easter is a beautiful flower with green leaves that can decorate every room in the house. In addition, the Easter flower is also included in the list of the best air cleaning plants according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Reporting from the Taste of Home, Thursday, March 2, the estuary emitter is a flower with minimal care. Even without sufficient sunlight, this plant can thrive. Here are tips for caring for estuary flowers so that they thrive and bloom all the time.

Eastered flowers like light, but the writing planted in pots and placed in the house has a hot nature. Treat this plant like your favorite orchid plant by placing it in sunny direct sunlight. Avoid direct heat sources such as radiators and wind from ventilation.Eastertes prefer warm temperatures during the day and temperatures that are slightly cooler at night.

If plants are wrapped in protective materials such as foils, release or create a hole for drainage. This ornamental plant doesn't really like water because the roots can rot. Make sure the top of the soil drys up before the next watering, but don't let the pot really dry. Lind flowers prefer even humidity. Flush in the area around the base of the plant until the water flows well down to the bottom of the plant.

When the flower blooms and starts yellowing afterwards, it's a good idea to immediately pick the flower. Type or cut right under the head of the flower so that the plant can focus its energy on other buds.

Give fertilizer to libricant flower plants once or twice a year and do fertilization in the summer to encourage bloom flowers. However, the thing to note is that liquid flowers are sensitive to chemical fertilizer. So, it is better to use organic fertilizer as much as a quarter to half as recommended.

After roots start to appear above the ground, it's time to replace flower pots. This is usually done every one or two years. After that, put the plant back in a container that is about two inches larger in diameter than the previous pot. Use the soil from the old pot for the process of replacing the pot so that the plant is not surprised. For smaller transplants, don't use a pot that is too large. A comfortable root will encourage the flower to bloom.