Former Chairman Of BPK, Moermahadi Becomes The New Chancellor Of IBIK Bogor

JAKARTA - Prof. Dr. H. Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara, SE., MM., Ak., CA., CPA., CSFA has just been appointed Chancellor of the Unitary Business & Informatics Institute (IBIK) on Saturday morning in Bogor, January 9. In his remarks he said, in a span of 48 years, IBIK has always been committed to the quality of education that moves in line with the times, producing quality people and making valuable contributions to civilization.

Yes, it was founded in 1972 in Bogor under the name of the Unitary Administration of Management which later changed its name to the Unity Management Academy (AMK) with two study programs and finally merged with STIE Kesatuan into the Unity Institute of Business and Informatics (IBI), is the result of institutional transformation to realize universities that produce superior people who are competent in the fields of management, accounting, information technology, and tourism.

Starting from the D3 Financial Management and Banking study program and the D3 Marketing Management study program when it was founded, currently IBI Kesatuan has grown to have three faculties with nine study programs.

Furthermore, the Chancellor who is also Chair of the 2018-2020 State Audit Board (BPK RI) also said that institutional transformation is a necessity for an institution that is able to turn the challenges of the times into opportunities.

IBI Kesatuan is very much aware of this in order to realize the vision of becoming a World Research University with entrepreneurial characteristics. The changing times since this educational institution was founded have been proven in all the institutional transformations carried out by the Unity Business and Informatics Institute, "he said in a written statement received on Saturday, January 9.

This Professor of Accounting said that the era of information technology that transcends space, time and territorial boundaries is a major concern for the Unitary Business and Informatics Institute to develop a quality education pattern in accordance with national and international quality standards.

"In order to create innovative human resources and have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, every academic community is encouraged to conduct research on intellectual products and services that are capable of producing Intellectual Economic Value Products," he said.

Information technology is the backbone of the future. Business has been disrupted in a digital framework and this is the focus of IBI Kesatuan in carrying out the transformation process. With the spirit of taking a role in educating the nation's life, the Unitary Institute of Business and Informatics provides technology-based education that is supported by complete facilities.

Academic support facilities owned by IBI Kesatuan are Indonesia Stock Exchange Corner, Accounting Laboratory, TAX Center, Lab. English and Mandarin, Entrepreneur Association, Career Development Center, Library, and CPA Test Center.

To improve competence and character building for the academic community, there are student activity units based on organizational, sports, arts, intellectual and religious-based activities.

The Student Activity Unit in sports has made achievements as a gold medalist at the 2018 Asian Games from the Taekwondo branch.

One of the challenges that is turned into an opportunity by IBI Kesatuan in order to create an inclusive campus is by opening knowledge channels for the wider community in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as it is today.

Even in a pandemic environment, the role of educational institutions to become sources of knowledge must continue. Organizing online seminars uploaded to digital platforms has shown the presence of IBI Kesatuan in educating the nation's life.

With a curriculum, education system and institutional transformation, IBI Kesatuan has produced graduates who are competent in the fields of management, accounting, finance, banking and entrepreneurship with a sustainable development perspective to support government programs in educating the nation's life.

To ensure the competence of graduates, IBI Kesatuan organizes a Career Development Center (CDC) and cooperates with the business or industry, including with various financial and banking institutions, both private and government, as facilities for internship programs for students.

In addition to collaborating with national partners, IBI Kesatuan also collaborates with various higher education institutions, namely Asia Pacific University Malaysia, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Avans University Netherlands, and Wako University Japan. In addition, IBI Kesatuan also sent students and students to the Winter Camp activities in China in 2018.

On the same occasion, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya Sugiarto, expressed his appreciation for Prof. Moemahadi for education.

"Prof. Moermahadi is a national figure, successfully leading the state higher education institution BPK RI, but because of his high dedication to education, he has gone down the mountain to lead IBIK. Hopefully the world of education in Bogor will be more advanced with his presence as IBIK Chancellor," he said. Bima Arya.