TSM Blocking Steps Eva-Deddy, Winner Of The Regional Election Of Bandar Lampung, Who Was Disqualified By The KPU

JAKARTA - Eva Dwiana-Deddy Amarullah's move to City Hall was blocked. Eva-Deddy, who won the most votes in the Bandar Lampung Pilkada, was apparently disqualified by the KPU.

"The decision was taken as a follow-up to the decision of the Lampung Bawaslu which disqualified the candidate pair number 03 at a structured, systematic and massive administrative session on Wednesday (6/1)," said Bandar Lampung KPU chairman Dedi Triyadi as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 8.

What was wrong with Eva-Deddy who was promoted by PDIP, NasDem and Gerindra in the Bandar Lampung Pilkada?

Quoted by VOI, from the Lampung Bawaslu website, the Lampung Province Bawaslu Audit Board stated that TSM's money politics with register number 02 / Reg / L / TSM-PW / 08.00 / XII / 2020 in the 2020 Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bandar Lampung election were proven proven.

For the TSM Bandar Lampung case, the Chairperson of the Examining Council, Fatikhatul Khoiriyah said in the trial, candidate pairs who were subject to administrative cancellation sanctions could file legal remedies to the Supreme Court within 3 (three) working days from the stipulation of the Provincial KPU or Regency / City KPU Decrees based on Article 135 A paragraph (6) of Law 10 of 2016.

The police and TNI officers guarded the hearing to read the decision. After reading the court verdict, the panel of examiners immediately left the court location under police escort.

Candidate candidate number 3, Eva-Deddy, was previously reported to have committed violations of TSM in the Lampung Bandarr Regional Election. According to the Examining Council, the reported party has a correlation with the actions of the Mayor of Bandar Lampung, Herman HN, for the provision of transport money of Rp 200,000 to 100 PKK administrators in every urban village in Bandar Lampung.

"There is a correlation between the detrimental and beneficial actions of one candidate pair by the regional head, distributed by government officials and accompanied by the message of winning the candidate pair number 03," said Fatikhatul Khoiriyah.