7 Elementary School Boys In Gresik Bully 7 Junior High School Children, Trivial Cases Because Of Love-Love Affairs

GRESIK - The police have uncovered a case of bullying of an elementary school girl in Gresik Regency, East Java. The video is viral on social media.

Deputy Head of Gresik Police, Kompol Eko Iskandar, said that the seven suspected perpetrators had been investigated. In fact, his party has collected and secured a number of evidences such as the clothes worn by the victim and seven gadgets.

Regarding the existence of the victim, Eko stated that his party together with related agencies and the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) provided assistance and counseling for trauma.

"We have examined the alleged perpetrator who has the video. We also examined other witnesses such as the uploader of the video. The victim has also been sent to a post," said Eko during a press conference at the Gresik Police Headquarters page, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 8.

This case came to the attention of the Gresik Police, because the 29-second video was viral and the victim was still in elementary school. While the perpetrators were seven female junior high school students.

"This 6th grade elementary school student with the initials ZR is also suspected of being abused by her peers," he said.

Regarding motive, said Eko, the perpetrator admitted that he was determined to bully because the victim was caught dating a male friend of the perpetrator.

On Wednesday, January 6, one of the perpetrators took the victim to Gresik Square. There, the victim was beaten and kicked. Even from the results of the post mortem, the victim was traumatized.

"For the time being, the status of the perpetrator is still a witness. However, all video evidence as well as devices and clothes worn by the victim have been secured," he added.

The suspicion against the perpetrator is Article 80 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.