5 Months Fleeing Since They Wanted To Be Arrested By The Police, The Perpetrator Of Child Abuse Was Arrested In Sindangbarang Cianjur

The escape of perpetrators of sexual abuse against minors ended in the hiding of Kampung Sedekan, Sindangbarang Village, Sindangbarang District, Cianjur, West Java (West Java).

The perpetrators were immediately escorted to the Sukanagara Police Headquarters for further submission to the Cianjur Police.

"We continue to carry out investigations and surveillance of the perpetrators, after five months, we received information from officers regarding the whereabouts of the perpetrators in Sindangbarang District," said Sukanagara Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Iptu Aiptu Sulasdi in Cianjur, West Java, Tuesday, February 28, confiscated by Antara.

Sulasdi explained that the perpetrator named U Suwanda, a resident of Sukamekar Village, Sukanagara District, Cianjur, was about to be arrested based on a report from the victim's family in September 2022. However, the perpetrator fled quickly.

Since then, officers have been investigating the whereabouts of Suwanda, who was finally found hiding in Sedekan Village, Sindangbarang Village, Sindangbarang District.

In front of the officers, the perpetrator Suwanda admitted that he had committed sexual immorality. He also admitted to threatening the victim not to tell about his depraved act.

The victim, who was afraid, had covered up the perpetrator's actions, but finally reported what happened to him to his family.

"The family report made the officers immediately chase the perpetrator, after five months of disappearance, the perpetrator was arrested," he said.

For his actions of committing sexual abuse against minors, Suwanda was charged with Article 289 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for nine years.