Deputy Chairman Of DPRD Takalar Sulsel Becomes Suspect Of Forest Destruction

MAKASSAR - Deputy Chairperson of the Takalar Regency DPRD H Muhammad Jabir Bonto was named a suspect in a case of alleged forestry crime related violations of activities that resulted in changes to the integrity of the Nature Reserve Conservation Forest Area in the local district.

"There is a suspicion of involvement, now he is a suspect," said Muh Anies, an investigator at the Law Enforcement Center (Gakkum) of the Ministry of Environment (KLHK) for the South Sulawesi region, as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 8.

From the information obtained through letter number S. Tap 40 / BPPHLHK-3 / SW.I / PPNS / 12/2020 as of December 28, 2020. The letter contains the summons for the suspect to be asked to attend to provide information and clarification on Thursday, January 7, 2021, at Maluku Sulawesi Ecoregion Control Center building, BPPH KLHK office Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan kilometer 17 Makassar, South Sulawesi.

This senior Golkar Party politician is suspected of destroying the Wildlife Conservation Forest Area in Ko'mara Village, Polongbangkeng Utara District, Takalar Regency.

Jabir will be charged with multiple articles, namely Article 40 paragraph 1 Jo. Article 19 paragraph 1 of Law Number 5 Year 1990 concerning Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Ecosystems.

Furthermore, cutting trees or harvesting or collecting forest products in the forest without having the right or permission from the authorized official is confirmed by Article 78 paragraph 5 Jo. Article 50 paragraph 3 letter e, Law Number 41 Year 1999 concerning Forestry and Jo. Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

Separately confirmed, the Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes E Zulpan, said that his party had not detained the suspect, because that was the domain of the State Civil Service Investigators or PPNS of the South Sulawesi Forestry Service.

"So, the Police did not handle it (DPRD Takalar representatives), it was handled by ASN investigators from the South Sulawesi Forestry Service, but it has not been handed over to the Police or Polda," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Chairman of the Golkar DPD Takalar Regency Zulkarnaen Arief when confirmed by journalists was reluctant to respond to the determination of the status of a Golkar cadre who is also Deputy Chairman of the Takalar Regency DPRD H Muhammad Jabir Bonto regarding the alleged forestry crime.

"Later, yes, I will coordinate first, then I will inform you again," said Zulkarnaen.