Limited Amount, KPK Calls The Potential For COVID-19 Vaccine Deviation In Distribution
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alex Marwata said the opportunity for irregularities in the procurement to distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine is open. Apart from the KPK there needs to be community involvement in the monitoring process.
For the procurement process, for example, the price of vaccines is very easy to control, so there is no need for an auction.
"For the vaccine, for example Sinovac, how much is it sold in Thailand, because many countries are fighting for the Sinovac vaccine. This means that the price is very easy to control and I think there is also a very small chance of deviation," explained Alex at the KPK Red and White House , Friday, January 8.
It is this vaccine distribution process that needs the attention of the government or related agencies. Because, continued Alex, the opportunity for irregularities is wide open.
"Because of what, this vaccine is very limited. Meanwhile, people who expect to be given a lot first. It could be for example, this should be vaccinated A, person A said not to me. Can be sold to other people, you go first. Because this involves life, life. Everyone wants to be saved, "explained Alex.
Alex hopes that the public, even though the number of vaccines is limited, will not compete. Because according to the promise from the government, everyone must be vaccinated.
"The initial stage has been explained by the Minister of Health, namely health workers. That is the most at risk because he is dealing directly with those who are indicated to have been exposed to COVID-19 who will receive the first vaccine." explained Alex
State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir and Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin visited the KPK's Red and White House, Friday, January 8. The two of them came not to be examined by investigators but to discuss with the KPK regarding the procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine.