Komnas HAM On The Karawang Incident: Police Take CCTV At KM 50

JAKARTA - The commissioner and chairman of the National Commission's Investigation Team (Komnas HAM) Choirul Anam said the police took CCTV at one of the stalls in the rest area of KM 50 on the Tol-Cikampek Road.

This finding was conveyed in relation to the results of the investigation into the shooting incident which led to the death of six soldiers of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

"(There is information from the witness, red) that CCTV was taken at one of the stalls," said Choirul in an online press conference, Friday, January 8.

Regarding the CCTV taking, he said that his party had asked for information from the police and the result was that they acknowledged the taking.

"We confirmed the last time we conducted an examination of the police and admittedly it was taken," he said.

It's just that, based on the police's admission, the camera was legally taken.

"So, later we will wait if this becomes evidence in the court process," he said.

In this case, six members of the FPI laskar were shot dead by a member of the police who was then assigned to follow the Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab in an effort to investigate cases of violations of health protocols in Petamburan and Megamendung, West Java.

Furthermore, Komnas HAM stated that there had been human rights violations following the deaths of the four FPI members.