The Minister Of SOEs Has Spoken Out About The Prohibition Of Used KRL Imports

The Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) spoke about the ban on importing the electric rail fleet (KRL) which is being suspended by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin).

According to him, this discourse of importing will significantly reduce the cost side of passengers.

"If the train increases, the number of passengers will automatically increase and can reduce operational costs so that the cost can be cheaper," he said in Jakarta on Tuesday, February 28.

Erick explained that his party will continue to intensify coordination and communication between ministries and related institutions so that the interests of the community can remain a priority.

He did not deny that the fulfillment of domestic products was still prioritized.

However, the issue of the surge in passengers must still be prioritized to be addressed immediately.

"We also have to see if our production capacity is sufficient or not. If it is not ready then there is nothing wrong with us working with other countries to find solutions as soon as possible," he said.

As previously reported, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry, Dody Widodo, said that Indonesia does not need to import domestic industrial background KRLs to be able to produce the mass transportation mode.

He also asked stakeholders to inform the rejuvenation of the fleet on a scheduled basis because the production process takes time.

PT Inka can make all of that why do you have to import from Japan. Bangladesh just bought our train for IDR 1.3 trillion. What is clear is that not suddenly it will be difficult to fulfill," said Dody.