Puslabfor Take Samples At The Tanah Abang Dense Settlement Area Fire Location

The Gambir Metro Police together with the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters conducted a crime scene (TKP) and took soil, debris and charcoal samples from the fire at the former fire site, RT 03/05, Petojo Selatan Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, February 28, afternoon.

Gambir Metro Police Chief Kompol Mugia Yarry Junanda said, from Puslabfor there were several samples brought from the crime scene and then another crime scene was processed.

"The alleged hotspot is in the middle of the fire location and samples have been taken. We are waiting for this result from the Forensic Laboratory," said Kompol Mugia to VOI at the scene of the fire (TKP), Gambir area, Tuesday, February 28, afternoon.

From the results of the investigation by the Gambir Metro Police, it was recorded that more than 50 houses were burned down.

"There are 87 houses that burned down. Most of them signed as traders here," he said.

Meanwhile, the results of the Puslabfor examination will come out in the next 2 weeks. The police have not been able to conclude the exact cause of the fire in this dense area dominated by Madura residents. Meanwhile, regarding the alleged sabotage, the police have also not provided an official statement.