Sexual Violence In Indonesia Is Like An Iceberg Phenomenon

JAKARTA Child observer Rita Pranawati assesses that sexual violence in Indonesia, especially what happens to young women, is indeed an iceberg phenomenon. There are still many victims who are reluctant to report what happened to them.

The causes, according to Rita, vary. It could be because of the threat factors from the perpetrators, the factor of shame, concerns about the negative stigma of the community, or the victim is confused about where to report.

In addition, many victims of sexual violence are also reluctant to report because they are worried about the lack of identity protection for victims, so they are afraid of the spread of information about their case which may have an impact on mental health.

"This is what happened, so that it often becomes a barrier to evidence when the case is revealed," Rita told VOI on February 27, 2023.

Like the case of a 14-year-old girl, J in Bone, South Sulawesi, who was raped by 4 teenage boys. Parents began to suspect when J had complained of headaches and complained of not being able to sit down.

According to the confession of the Cenrana Police Chief, AKP Andi Muhammad Siregar, J initially did not tell what he was experiencing, but after his parents persuaded him, J finally opened his voice. From the results of the medical examination, J turned out to have suffered injuries to his vital organs.

The family became suspicious and then reported it to the police. However, for five days receiving treatment at M Yasin Hospital, Bone, J's condition dropped until he finally died on February 17, 2023.

Likewise, cases of teenage rape in Cianjur that have recently been revealed. Apparently, the culprit was the victim's biological father. The perpetrator committed his depraved act in 2018 when the victim was 16 years old and continued until 2023.

The victim did not dare to report the perpetrator's actions because he was often threatened with murder.

"So, this is the part of the iceberg that has not yet melted, is still frozen. It is not very easy for victims. If it is done by close people, of course the reporter or victim will think thousands of times to dare to report. The victim is certainly worried about what the future will be like, and what other thoughts will be," said Rita, who is also a former Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI).

The impact of sexual violence against victims varies. Depending on individual circumstances, including culture, family ties, support systems, age, responses of people related to them after experiencing violence, and of course the nature of violence itself.

However, in general, it is certainly very influential on physical and emotional health, self-respect, relationships with family, and normal activities in everyday life, even in some cases the impact of sexual violence can lead to the victim committing suicide.

Finkelhor and Browne in the Journal Tower in 2002 discovered 4 types of trauma effects caused by sexual violence that are common, namely betrayal of trust, sexual trauma, feeling helpless, and stigmatization.

Sexual violence can make the victim feel guilty, ashamed, have a bad picture of himself, feel different from other people, to be angry with his own body.

"A sense of guilt and shame is formed due to HELPlessness," said Rita.

Psychological recovery is one of the steps that needs to be taken in handling cases of sexual violence against children. In accordance with the recommendations of Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly.

The form of handling the recovery and handling of sexual violence includes a number of rights whose aim is to restore the dignity and reputation of the victim. Thus, the development of victims who are not elderly are not significantly disturbed.

The handling of the recovery, among others, provides restitution. Returning the victim's condition to its original state when there was no problem. At a minimum, so that victims of sexual violence can release the trauma they experienced.

Lalu, memberikan korban kekerasan seksual kompensasi untuk setiap dampak yang mungkin muncul, seperti dampak kesehatan, dampak kepulangan sekolah, atau dampak kehamilan dari kekerasan seksual tersebut.

The next step is to carry out rehabilitation by providing legal services, psychology, medical care, services or treatment, and other professional services.

Also, providing guarantees of satisfaction and non-repetition. The sensitivity of handling children victims must also be very much considered, so as not to make children victims for the second time (re-vitimization).

In the context of handling children victims of sexual violence, the role of the environment and those closest to them is very important in order to foster a sense of comfort. So, victims can be more confident in responding to what they are experiencing.

Even so, said Rita, preventing is better than treating. Parents must provide education about how to take care of themselves for their children, especially girls. Keep an eye on the development and association of children.

"In the family, control, closeness to value must always be reminded so that close people do not become perpetrators," added Rita.