Sri Mulyani Affirms That The State Budget Will Continue To Be Used To Build National Strategic Projects

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) will continue to be used to build various National Strategic Projects (PSN).

One of them, the APBN is distributed to the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) to carry out land acquisition for the construction of PSN.

The state budget also allocated State Equity Participation (PMN) to PT Adhi Karya amounting to Rp1.40 trillion to work on the Solo-Yogyakarta-YIA Kulonprogo Toll Road project.

"So in this case PT Adhi Karya gets PMN of IDR 1.40 trillion, there must be a performance contract regarding the project where the location and how much the budget is so that we can also carry out monitoring with the Ministry of SOEs," he said during a working visit to the Solo-Yogyakarta Toll Road, quoted from Antara, Tuesday 28 February.

The government, continued Sri Mulyani, realizes that the construction of infrastructure projects such as toll roads does not always run smoothly.

For this reason, policy makers guarantee PSN of the Solo-Yogyakarta-Kulonprogo Toll Road through PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia.

"An guarantee was made so that this project can run on time on quality, on cost," he concluded.

Previously, LMAN President Director Basuki Purwadi said that since the beginning of the land acquisition process until February 17, 2023, LMAN had distributed IDR 5.9 trillion for the release of the Solo-Yogyakarta-Kulon Progo toll road.

A value of IDR 474 billion has also been approved to be distributed for the procurement of toll road land which is expected to be completed by the end of 2023 or the first semester of 2024.

"Only what has been proposed is for land acquisition, from end to end, around Rp. 19 trillion in total land needs for Solo-Yogyakarta-Purworejo," he said.