Singing In The Bath Effectively Boosts Immunity

JAKARTA - Besides paying attention to foods that contain good nutrition, there are effective ways to increase body immunity. Based on scientific research, the method is quite simple. Singing in the bath can actually be beneficial for health.

One of them, increase body immunity. Apart from boosting the body's immunity, singing in the shower also improves mental health, improves self-confidence and triggers the production of the happy hormone.

Singing in the shower can oxidize blood and lower blood pressure. Both of these things can generally improve your health and spend the day more excited. Researchers at Manchester University also suggest the frequency of the notes sung so that they can stimulate the maximum work of the thyroid gland.

The recommended low frequency notes to sing are based on research that found the sacculus, a small organ in the inner ear, is connected to the brain. Singing in a low voice and half mumbling can stimulate the pineal gland, the thyroid gland and stimulate the pancreas to regulate blood sugar.

Sacculus can trigger feelings of pleasure, even just by listening to low frequency music. So, what is the effect if other people sing and listen to it? Outside the bathroom, singing also has benefits for those who listen.

Music therapy that has been written in the music magazine The Etude, it is said that from 1891 to 1949 singing had health benefits. The advantages of singing are explained to have an impact on physical and psychological health. Since the end of the 19th century, music therapy was finally recommended for the sick.

If you feel the sound sounds more melodious in the bathroom, this is normal. Because the acoustic effect of music and reverberation of the room effect makes the sound sound more than the vocal quality of professional singers. There's nothing wrong with trying to do this habit.

The advantage, can sing as freely as possible. To improvise as much as possible and most importantly, get health benefits both physically and mentally. Reported by Lifehack, most likely those who sing in the shower have enough confidence. If you need musical accompaniment, you can also screw up the speakers and listen to music in the shower.

According to a recent study, by singing the body can release oxytocin. Oxytocin is responsible for increased trust and bonding. Furthermore, to have a good social life sing it out.

Lastly, singing can reduce stress. By singing, the lungs are trained to breathe in more oxygen. In effect, stress levels decrease and anxiety and anxiety temporarily resolve. In this connection, stress can also be triggered by a short respiratory system. So, exercising vocals while bathing directly trains the breath, nourishes the body, loosens tension and anxiety.