Tumbang Tree Over Motorcycles And Cars In Kudus, Passengers Including Happy 10-month Baby

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) for the evacuation of fallen trees hit sand transport cars, three-wheeled motorcycles, and building stores in Kudus, Central Java, Monday, February 27.

The Chief Executive of the Kudus BPBD, Mundir, said that his party also evacuated a large tree trunk at the Peganjaran intersection. The rod hit the sedan which was waiting for the traffic light to turn green.

"Three fallen trees that hit shops, cars and three-wheeled motorcycles have been evacuated," he said in Kudus, Central Java, Monday, February 27, as reported by Antara.

He said officers equipped with tree cutting tools were still conducting sweeps to confirm whether or not there were fallen trees that had not been reported.

Meanwhile, the number of fallen trees in Kudus due to extreme weather, he said, was still being collected.

He reminded residents to be vigilant, especially those where they live there are high trees when it rains with strong winds.

"For the time being, there were no casualties, including at the Peganjaran intersection where there were also many passengers. Everyone survived even though they were hit by a large tree branch," he said.

Joko, the owner of a Toyota Yaris car that was hit by a tree branch, said that all members of his family, including the 10-month-old baby, survived.

At that time, he was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, but suddenly a large tree branch on the right broke and fell on his car until it fell on the front.

As a result of this incident, traffic flow was jammed due to a branch that fell across the middle of the road. Including during the process of evacuating fallen trees and still having to wait for a team from PLN to repair the slack network cable so that the vehicle did not dare to pass.

Along the Long Ring Road, there were indeed many broken tree branches, including three large trees that fell and hit building shops, one sandlifting car and a three-wheeled motorcycle which were also damaged.

Aris, the manager of a building shop in Peganjaran Village, said that before the shop was hit by a tree, there was heavy rain accompanied by strong winds. Then a large tree fell along with two other trees.

In addition to hitting building shops, the fallen tree also hit a pickup truck transporting sand to be sent to customers and a three-wheeled motorbike parked next to the shop.