Lip Balm Makes Lip Dry Lip Because 3 Things
YOGYAKARTA Lip balm or lip balsem functions to relieve soreness and moisturize lips with a cream texture that is generally colorless. But now there is also a lip balm product titled tinted or in addition to moisturizing, it also gives rota to the lips.
When winter or you are active in an air-conditioned room, your lips can be relied on to prevent dry lips from breaking. But if you apply it too often, it might have a bad influence. Why can you? Pay attention to the following three things regarding lip balm to anticipate not to damage the top layer of your lips.
Lip Balesem is claimed to be able to maintain skin moisture so that its texture remains smooth and does not hurt because it is too dry. In lip balm ideally contains humectants and occlusive content. Both need to be balanced.
Public Relations function as a drop in moisture from the air. Usually use hyaluronic acid and glycerin. For occlusive materials, including petroleum, beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, or squalene. This material functions to seal moisture on the lips. So once the lips do not contain occlusive material, then the natural moisture just evaporates. So lip balm must contain humectants as well as occlusive materials.
If lip moisturizers contain humectane and occlusive, but lips are still dry continuously, then check the composition list. Launching Real Simple, Monday, February 27, some lip moisturists contain lanolin, paraben, phenol, or salicylic acid. These ingredients are susceptible to use for sensitive skin and can trigger allergies if the dose of product producer formula is not in accordance with FDA recommendations.
To be safe, New York City-based certified dermatologist! Nussbaum, MD., recommends avoiding wearing lipbalm with the above material. This includes avoiding lipbath that contains fragrance, especially for those of you who are sensitive skin.
The most basic principle that needs to be understood, lip balsem is not skincare to heal broken lips. If drought does not subside, try to change your lifestyle. Such as fulfilling the nutrients in the form of the micronutrient that the skin needs. And meet the body's fluid needs by drinking mineral water at least 8 glasses a day.
Well, if you've anticipated it with the above advice to choose lip balsem or lip balem but it's still cracked and dry, try to check with a dermatologist. Later, the doctor will provide the right recommendations and specific care for your lips.