The Fire That Sheld 50 Semi-Permanent Houses In Gambir As A Result Of Lupa Gas Compulsionditated

The fire that scorched 50 residents' semi-permanent houses on Jalan Abdul Muis, RT 03/03, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta was caused by a gas stove that forgot to be turned off from one of the residents' houses.

The big fire was extinguished on Monday, February 27, early in the morning at 01.18 WIB. The fire was extinguished by 28 fire engines with 111 personnel.

"The problem with the blackout was due to narrow road access. The location that caught fire was 5000 square meters due to the gas stove that forgot to turn off," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Asril Rizal, Monday, February 27.

The fire quickly spread to dozens of other houses, due to a lot of building materials. As a result of the fire, three residents were injured.

"Three victims were injured in the fire. Two people experienced shortness of breath named Magdalena (61) and Neneng (61). Meanwhile, Fiqih (15) was injured due to being hit by a nail," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the fire that hit the RT 03/05 area, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta resulted in at least 50 houses dominated by semi-permanent buildings being burned to the ground.

"Approximately 50 houses caught fire. Most of the buildings here are semi-permanent with small booths being built," said South Petojo Village Head Rahmad Hidayat when confirmed, Monday, February 27.