TikTok Removes Trump's Video That Triggered The Crowd To Storm Capitol Hill

JAKARTA - TikTok deleted all videos related to the speech by the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump which sparked riots in the Capitol Hill Building, Washington DC. Prior to the protests, several Tiktok videos calling for violence were viewed thousands of times.

One user even suggested that protest protesters bring weapons to the action. Another Tiktok video also narrates violence and has been viewed more than 280 thousand times.

"Hateful and violent attitudes have no place on TikTok," read the official TikTok statement quoted by The Verge, Friday, January 8.

TikTok believes that the video of Trump's speech is considered to have violated the rules on the platform. If misinformation spreads and provokes the masses.

"Content or accounts that are deemed inciting, condoning, or promoting violence violates our community guidelines and will be removed," the statement continued.

Hashtags prohibited on TikTok (doc. The Verge)

In contrast, TikTok allows users to upload videos that deny Trump's statement. In addition, TikTok also allows videos of condemnations of brutal acts at the Capitol Building, especially those uploaded by credible mass media accounts.

TikTok has also blocked all hashtags or hashtags related to the mass invasion of Capitol Hill, such as #stormthecapitol and #patriotparty. Similar handling was also carried out when TikTok blocked conspiracy content during the US Presidential election last November.