The Riots Of Wamena Papua, 13 Suspected Dalang, Were Secured

The Papuan Police have arrested 13 people related to the riots in Wamena. They are suspected to be the masterminds behind the riots.

"That's right (13 people were arrested, ed)," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Adi Prabowo when confirmed, Saturday, February 25.

However, regarding the suspicion that the dozens of people were the masterminds behind the riots, Benny said that until now they were still being investigated.

Investigators were also carried out to determine their legal status after the arrests were made.

"Currently they are still under investigation," said Benny.

The riots were triggered by the circulation of hoaxes or false information about the kidnapping of minors on Thursday, February 23.

The riot started at around 12.30 WIT. At that time, the grocery seller's car was stopped by residents in Sinakma for allegedly kidnapping children.

The Jayawijaya Police responded to the stop of the car to end it so that it was taken by the judiciary. However, the situation turned around.

As a result of the riots, two members of the Police and TNI were injured. They were flooded by the rioters.

"Two people were hit by arrows, one was a police officer and one was from the TNI," said Benny

Then, from the data received, 16 other members were also injured. They were hit by bricks from the rioter group.

"In total, while from the apparatus there were 18 people who became victims," he said.

The riots also killed 10 people. Two of them were local residents who were targeted by the mob. While the rest came from the rioting group.

"The 8th was the rioting mob who took firm action by the TNI-Polri," said Benny.