Until February 2023, There Were 9,417 Hoax Issues Findings
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) recorded 9,417 findings of hoax issues in the period August 2018 to 16 February 2023.
In addition, the Ministry of Communication and Information also noted that there were also 1,730 cases of fraud in the same period.
Director of Informatics Empowerment of the Ministry of Communication and Information Bonifasius W. Pudjianto said the digital world contains various kinds of information, both positive in nature but no less much information containing negative content and even misinformation, even hoaxes.
"We have the data. It was only until February that the number of hoax issues found reached 9,417," he said, quoting Antara.
Boni also said that the key to preventing people from information or content containing disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, hoaxes, and fraud is digital literacy.
The Ministry of Communication and Information, he said, continues to strive to improve digital literacy in the community, one of which is through collaboration with universities to create more digitally capable people.
The forms of collaboration carried out include holding lectures on digital literacy involving the Ministry of Communication and Information, experts, and practitioners.
In addition, digital literacy programs will also be embedded in various student activities such as Real Work Lectures (KKN). With this activity, it is hoped that students can play a role in providing digital literacy to the community.
"We hope that with studentslitating to the public, it can reduce the possibility of various misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, hoaxes circulating in the digital world," said Boni.
Furthermore, Boni added that through this collaboration, it is hoped that the national digital literacy index can also increase. It is known, the national digital literacy index is currently at 3.54 on a scale of five or is in the medium category.
"We really hope that from this collaboration program, the digital literacy index that we will measure by the end of 2023 can increase," he said.