Understand The Importance Of Data And WhatsApp Usage Before Digital Transformation

JAKARTA - It is important for businesses to manage their firs-party data using a platform called Customer Relationship Management (CRM), to reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

CRM will also simplify the CX (CusTOMer Experience) design process which is personalized by adjusting personal needs, preferences, and consumer behavior. One way to present personalized CX is with WhatsApp Business.

However, WhatsApp's use as a chat commerce does not guarantee business progress. It all depends on the gang strategy used.

"Whatsapp guarantees business growth or not. It depends on the product. For example, there is a supermarket that was offline to the online, if arranged properly online, it could be more buyers. Yes, the point is the visibility of the goods," said Januar Wismoyo, Managing Director, Customer Engagement Solutions, ADA to VOI.

Januar continued that a company can develop not only because it relies on WhatsApp as a chat commerce, but also in terms of the strategy applied.

"It can grow, but there must still be a strategy. It's a good channel (WhatsApp), but there is a strategy too. What is the strategy? Through the previous data collection," he continued.

On the other hand, there are still many MSMEs that are not yet aware of the importance of using data. They thought, by moving their goods to digital, they would immediately generate profits, but in fact they didn't.

"MSMEs are still offline and online, but many are not aware of the data whose function is to review their performance," said Rafael Sihombing, Head of Digital Marketing, Ninja Xpress.

According to him, the first step that must be done by business, especially MSMEs in digital transformation, is to be aware that reaching everyone is not easy.

"First, we have to be aware or understand that to reach out a lot of people, it's not enough to just open one booth. For that, using one platform like Facebook, to tell about our products. There are processes, you can't make a profit right away," he concluded.