Defend Trump, Mexican President Obrador: Facebook Is Undermining Democracy

JAKARTA - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has criticized social media companies, including Facebook, for blocking the accounts of the President of the United States (US), Donald Trump. Obrador said Facebook had damaged democracy.

“I don't like censorship. I don't want anyone to be censored and their right to be taken away to post messages on Twitter or Facebook, "said Obrador quoted by Reuters, Friday, January 8.

Even though Trump's message is provocative in tone, because it incensed the anger of his supporters until the attack on the Capitol Building in Wasington took place, Obrador argues that this is a form of free speech. However, Obrador was reluctant to comment further regarding what happened at the Capitol.

The Mexican number one said he had returned to his position of not interfering in the affairs of other countries. “We will not interfere in this matter, which is up to America's solution to address. That's our policy, that's all I can say, "added Obrador.

Obrador is known to be close to Trump. Therefore, Obrador later became the leader of the country who was late in congratulating US President-elect Joe Biden. Even Obrador seemed to make Biden's supporters even more furious when he a few days ago offered political asylum to the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange.

Former US President Obama administration official Mark Feierstein is one of them. Obrador, said Mark, had made efforts that could damage Mexico-US relations.

Instead of appearing as an icon for freedom of expression, Mark said that Obrador himself is incapable of fighting for freedom of opinion in his country. Mark recalled how Obrador frequently attacked Mexican journalists who questioned his policies.