Minister Of Social Affairs Risma Improves Social Assistance Scheme 2021: I Ask Door To Door

JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini will improve the 2021 social assistance scheme (Bansos). This repair is in accordance with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) 's instructions where the community will receive assistance as a whole.

Risme said that cash transfers were received directly through PT Pos Indonesia and the State Bank Association (Himbara) to at least 10 million recipients through access to population data.

"The disbursement has started since January 4 yesterday. PT Pos door to door, which I asked for the elderly, sick, and with disabilities is door to door as well. The bank may be in trouble but yesterday we communicated with the Ministry of BUMN, it will be submitted to PT Pos from the bank, "explained Risma as quoted by Antara, at the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Social Rehabilitation Center, Friday, January 8.

The distribution scheme improvement aims to guard beneficiaries including evaluating reports from banks and post offices in the form of fingerprints, signatures and photos of beneficiaries. "In the past there were no pictures," explained Risma.

Another objective is to escort aid recipients so that the community can truly move out of poverty.

This is translated through optimizing empowerment for residents with social welfare problems through fish farming, workshop, welding, composting, and cultivation of hydroponic plants, especially at the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Social Rehabilitation Center.

"There are three categories of poverty, almost, poor, and very poor. The latter we will lift, it's hard but we will do it gradually through empowerment programs," he said.

The Ministry of Social Affairs, continued Risma, is currently planning the construction of flats, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works. Risma also emphasized the importance of mapping community needs so that empowerment programs can run optimally according to community wishes.

The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs is working with a number of state universities in mapping the actual problems of the community to revive the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"For example, the problem of clean water in Papua is based on our mapping results. Followed up with the Ministry of Public Works for the provision of clean water. Then KIP for the education sector, then there are street children who produce shoes in Cibaduyut," he said.

In addition to running programs that are already in DIPA, his party wants assistance to be useful for empowerment programs.

"I repeat once again, there is a gap (distance) between needs and assistance. This Bansos program also generates additional income as much as possible, so in addition to providing jobs, we also encourage them to increase their income. Not only, oh, their job is to provide assistance but also we are empowered, "said Risma.