The Work On The Grand Mosque Is Expected To Bempung In The Sustainable Period Of Mayor Bima Arya

BOGOR - Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya asked that there be no delays in the work on the Grand Mosque on Dewi Sartika Street. He hopes that the entire process will be carried out on time or completed during his term of office which is only 8 months away.

"The completion of this place is the Great Mosque which is integrated with the Square. I ask for the submission on time," Bima said in his statement, Thursday, February 23.

Bima Arya also requested that the PUPR Service immediately coordinate with the DKM regarding the items to be carried out in further planning for the construction of the Grand Mosque.

The development exposure carried out by Planning Consultants, Fauzan and Winarto was carried out by describing the work area, items to be carried out as well as an overview of the mosque displayed in three-dimensional digital images.

Later the Great Mosque of Bogor City will be integrated with Block F, Bogor City Square, tower facilities, interior arrangement and so on.

After the construction of the Great Mosque is completed, later all corners outside the mosque area can be seen from various sides.

Secretary of the Bogor City PUPR Service, Rena Da Frina, said that the exposure was carried out by a planning consultant who had the ability and expertise in the design of the Mosque.

Rena said that the completion of the Grand Mosque is a responsibility that must be resolved.

"With this exposure, the guardian and the deputy so they know what to do. This communication was carried out from the start to accelerate development," he said.

So that continued Rena, the process and progress of the construction of the mosque can later be monitored and escorted together until it is completed on time.

"This is one of our strategies to communicate from the start, starting from the planning and then we have communicated the supervisory aspect from the start, communication related to our timeline work plan must know everything. So we can both control and supervise," he said.