Ask For Conducive Don't Leave Riau Bengkalis Prison, Ministry Of Law And Human Rights To Prisoners: This Is Your Home Now

RIAU - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Riau asked inmates at the Bengkalis Class II A Penitentiary (Lapas) not to become provocateurs by creating a gang to escape from prison.

"Here you are served optimally. Eating is given three times a day. If you are sick, treatment is provided, even when you sleep it is guarded. This is your home now. For that, keep security and order so that you stay comfortable until you can breathe free air again," said Jahari during a review at Bengkalis Prison, Riau, Thursday, February 23, confiscated by Antara.

He said this visit was to ensure that the services provided to prisoners, facilities, and infrastructure in the prison were optimal.

"Make sure all services provided are right on target and right on target, both in fulfilling food and fostering the inmates," he said.

During the visit, he greeted the inmates who were doing morning gymnastics led by the ranks of Kodim 0303/Bengkalis.

Are you fed three times a day? Are there any illegal levies? If there are illegal levies or things that don't comply with the rules, report them to me. I will immediately investigate," he said.

In the review of M Jahari Sitepu accompanied by the Head of the Administrative Division Johan Manurung, the Head of the Program and Public Relations of Sabar Tarida Uli Gultom, and the administration of the Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office and directly guided by the Head of Bengkalis Prison Muhammad Lukman.