Commemorating National Waste Day, Panjang Payang Beach Bandarlampung Is Cleaned

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Lampung held an action to clean up Panjang Payang Beach Sukaraja Bandarlampung in commemoration of the 2023 National Waste Care Day (HPSN).

"National Waste Care Day is celebrated every February 21, and today at Payang Panjang Beach Sukaraja, waste cleaning activities are carried out. As a form of concern for protecting the environment," said Assistant II for Economics and Development of Lampung Province, Kusnardi, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 23.

He said that by commemorating this National Waste Care Day, it is hoped that it can increase efforts to solve the current waste problem.

"In waste management, it is not only focused on integrated waste management, but can have a greater impact on the environment and ecosystem in order to control climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector," he said.

He explained that the Lampung Provincial Government continues to encourage the growth of waste banks as the main driving force for the application of the concept of reduction, reuse, recycle (3R) in its area.

"Currently, many innovations have been developed by the government, universities, waste activist communities and individuals in encouraging the implementation of zero waste, and zero emissions. In addition, efforts to complete waste can be an opportunity for the community to earn income," he said.

He hopes that good waste management can become one of the new jobs that encourages the community's economy.

"This completion effort is also an opportunity to provide welfare for the community in accordance with the potential economic value owned by the waste. We also hope that the public can understand and apply 3R in their daily lives," he continued.

Furthermore, he hopes that activities to sort, reuse, and reduce waste will continue to grow in his area, by carrying out routine waste cleaning activities to increase awareness of waste for all levels of society.

"Disposable waste and 3R activities need to be continuously reproduced. Then productive activities in the form of making compost, cultivating maggots, making eco enzymes, ecobricking, recycling waste into bags and others must continue to be encouraged," he said again.

In commemoration of National Waste Care Day, a number of cleaning equipment in the form of trash cans were also handed over, marine trash traps from a number of companies in Lampung as a form of concern.