SportCast: Gregoria Mariska Tunjung, Film Lover Of All Genres

JAKARTA women's singles badminton player Gregoria Mariska Tunjung is currently still Indonesia's mainstay in various important competitions.

The athlete, whose full name is Gregoria Mariska Tunjung Cahyaningsih, has been in the Cipayung National Training Center (Pelatnas) since 2013.

He started his career with PB Mutiara Cardinal Bandung, West Java, before being summoned by the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI).

After four years of training at the National Training Center, Gregoria immediately gave the best results, namely coming out to become the champion at the 2017 Junior World Championship which took place in Yogyakarta.

The title treats Indonesia's longing after 25 years of failing to become a champion in this world junior event. Since then, Gregoria has joined the National Training Center senior team and his position has almost irreplaceable.

As the women's singles mainstay, the Wonogiri-born athlete who is currently ranked 14th in the world, is certainly very busy with a busy training schedule.

Therefore, when there is free time, usually he really makes good use of it. One of them is watching movies.

"I like any film. So, I don't choose what genre, the important thing is to watch it," said the athlete who is currently 23 years old.

So what are the activities that Gregoria often does on the sidelines of his free time at the National Training Center? The following is an excerpt from an interview with VOI journalist Cosmas Kopong Unlike Gregoria:

When you are outside the National Training Center, you usually fill your free time with what activity?

Kalau aku biasanya mengisi waktu berlasan dengan menonton film atau apa pun yang mungkin bisa series apa saja yang ada di aplikasi film.

Selain itu, ada kegiatan lain yang kamu lakukan untuk healing?

Usually what I live is hangouts with friends or with family. Where can it be entertaining after the most time is in the National Training Center.

What are the hobbies that you usually do in your spare time while in Pelatnas?

If you are free during training days, you should watch movies and listen to music the most. If other hobbies are followed, you must be tired because we practice twice a day.

Can any film spills?

I like any film. So, don't choose what genre, the important thing is to watch it.

If you watch movies in theaters, it's usually the same with your girlfriend or with whom?

I spend my day in the dormitory. So, watch more on my cellphone. If you meet a boyfriend, all of you go to church on Sunday.

In addition to your film, he said he also likes to read books, right?

Yes, read, especially novels, but lately have rarely read because sometimes you are tired. So, innate is lazy.

Badminton is not the only sport that is occupied by the singles of this Red and White women. He admitted that he often did swimming.

However, he did not categorize the sport as a hobby. The reason, he did it for recovery purposes.

Then what about football sports? This is Gregoria's answer.

Gregoria is known as a famous badminton player, is there actually another sport that you like?

The most swimming is because swimming is quite helpful for recovery. So, usually after training, I swim. However, it's not a hobby but a need for recovery.

"For football, do you like watching too?"

If the ball doesn't really like it. Just enjoy watching the World Cup, but don't really follow it either. Even if you watch it, yes, at least the semifinals or finals.