Breaths In Swimming Mandatory Freestyles You Must Know

The tilt is very important when swimming freestyle. Get our tips on how to breathe easier in water, and try this free drill exercise to improve yourATting technique. Let's find out the secret of breathability techniques in freestyle swimming!

Launching from the site, when doing freestyle swimming, it is important to learn Bilateral breathing. This means breathing on both left and right between the punches. You should not breathe by lifting your head and facing forward.

Try swimming freely by looking at the bottom of the pool with your neck straight. Don't lower your chin.

When you swim, your body will rotate by moving your hips, and your upper body will lengthen when you reach the wood.

We suggest taking a breath after every 3rd blow. So after 3 strokes (left, right, left) you will turn the body to the side, with the front arm still stretched forward.

When you rotate your hips, your chest will open try to focus on keeping your head flat, and parallel to the surface of the water.

Open your mouth to breathe, and try to keep one eye underwater. You may have to close your lips so you don't swallow water while breathing with half your face underwater.

When will I bother you?

Each swimmer is different. Some swimmers feel more comfortable breathing every other blow, while others swim 3-5 punches between breaths. We suggest breathing after every 3 strokes.

It is important to maintain a sleek position on the surface of the water while breathing. If you breathe too often, you may find your body rotate too much and damage that perfect line.

For mediumer swimmers to proficient, focus on the start and closed turns:

Encourage from walls:

Approaching the wall for turnings:

1 Beat 6 Bor Kicks:

Try this free drill! Do a full blow. Then turn your body by dribbled your hips, but still facing your head to the bottom of the water. Go 6 times with your front arm stretched forward. Then take a breath!

Repeat on the other hand. Continue to alternate with 6 kicks, 1 shot for the whole exercise.

So after knowing the breath in a freestyle swimming, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!