Night Entertainment Workers In Makassar From Karaoke, Pubs And Spas Screaming, Some Workers Are Evicted From Boarding School

MAKASSAR - The curfew imposed by the Acting Mayor of Makassar, Prof. Rudy Djamaluddin, has an impact on the nightclubs (THM). This business had to close due to the implementation of business operating hours which caused a crowd.

Since December 24, 2020, nightlife spots are not operating. Pj Walkot Makassar through its regulations limits operating hours such as restaurants, malls, cafes to 19.00 WITA. The problem is, the nightclubs only open at night, therefore THM automatically does not act in the midst of the Makassar City Government regulations.

"If now the conditions scream, children have not paid (night entertainment workers). Companies pay confused salaries, have not paid operational costs such as electricity, "he said

The chairman of the Makassar City Night Entertainment Business Association, Zulkarnaen Ali Naru, was contacted by VOI, Thursday, January 7.

He said the workers had run out of money. There are even workers who are evicted from their boarding houses because they are in arrears.

"They have been sent home since 24 (December). Some workers are evicted from boarding houses, some are owed money to moneylenders for children's expenses. These are mixed workers including song guides, therapists and others, "continued Zulkarnaen.

Zulkarnaen questioned Prof. Rudy's Pj Walkot Makassar policy which did not involve night entertainment business associations when making regulations on limiting operating hours. Moreover, the Makassar City Government is said to have paid no attention to the fate of the 160 workers in nightclubs in Makassar.

"The city government should be observant because we not only provide PAD (local revenue) but the biggest contributor is 4 thousand workers in Makassar," he continued.

Indeed, it is admitted that there were basic necessities for night entertainment workers. But the Night Entertainment Business Association wants the Makassar City Government to provide cash compensation to support the workers.

"Providing compensation to workers, not only provided with basic necessities," he said.

In addition, the Association also hopes that Prof. Rudy will review the implementation of curfew restriction which is set until January 11. The association wants special treatment so that nightlife spots can be opened even though their operating hours are limited.

"We ask to open the family singing house, open from 9 in the morning. After closing the family karakoe, public karaoke is open until 2 in the morning. Bars, pubs give permission to open 24.00 to 3 am. 3 hours is no problem, "said Zulkarnaen.

The conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic have indeed restricted activities. However, according to Zulkarnaen, the Makassar City Government can deploy the COVID-19 task force in all nightclubs to ensure restrictions on the number of people or health protocols.

"We are ready to carry out health protocols. If necessary, place the COVID-19 task force at night entertainment venues. That's the solution, just put a task force, ”said Zulkarnaen.