BNPT Will Deradicalize Abu Bakar Ba'asyir After Being Released
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) will provide a deradicalization program for Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. The program was awarded after Abu Bakar Ba'asyir was released on Friday, January 8.
Director of Law Enforcement of the BNPT, Brigadier General Eddy Hartono, said that the provision of a deradicalization program for all parties involved in terrorism is regulated and in accordance with Law number 5 of 2018 and Government Regulation Number 77 of 2019.
"Deradicalization is carried out on suspects, defendants, convicts, convicts, ex-convicts, and people or groups who have been exposed to radical terrorism ideology," said Eddy in his statement, Thursday, January 7.
In carrying out deradicalization, said Eddy, his party will coordinate with the family of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir and several other stakeholders. With that, it is hoped that the elimination of radical ideas will run well.
"Together with related stakeholders, such as the Penitentiary, then the National Police, and the Ministry of Religion provide national insight, religious insight, and even entrepreneurship," he explained.
By providing this education, it is hoped that Abu Bakar Ba'asyir will be better. Especially not going to get involved again in acts of terrorism.
"We hope that Abu Bakr Ba'asyir can give after this release, give peaceful, soothing da'wah," he said.
Abu Bakar Ba'asyir was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Panel of Judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) in 2011. The verdict did not change until the cassation level.
Ba'asyir is the leader and carer of Pondok Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki Sukoharjo, Central Java. He was declared proven legally and convincingly to motivate other people to use funds to commit criminal acts of terrorism.