Resilient Areas For Swallow's Nests In Indonesia, Exported To China To America

The swallow's nest is a product with a high selling value. The swallow's nest is sought after because it has good health properties. In the swallow's nest business, Indonesia is one of the largest producers in the world. There are a number of swallow's nest producing areas.

Indonesia fills 80 percent of the total swallow's nest production in the world. During 2022, Indonesia managed to export 1,502 tons of swallow's nest. The number of exports has increased by 13 percent compared to the previous year, which was 1,324 tons.

Bambang, Head of Barantan, Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) said that the export trade of swallow's nest in Indonesia is divided into two types. First, exports are carried out for the purpose of China through the General Administration of Customs of the people's Republic of China (GACC) protocol mechanism. Second, exports for countries other than China with simpler protocols.

Of the thousands of tons exported, swallow's nests come from various regions in Indonesia, ranging from Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, NTB, and others. The following are a number of areas that are known as swallow's nest producing areas.

Exports of swallow's nests in Central Java jumped significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The swallow's nest has been the result of a superior farm for the province in the last two years.

In 2020, the export value of swallow's nest in Central Java reached IDR 1.4 trillion. In that year, as many as 64 tons of swallow's nest were successfully exported. swallow's nest products are produced from breeders in a number of areas, such as Demak, Semarang, Rembang, Magelang.

The results of swallow's nests in Central Java are exported to several countries in Asia to America. The destination countries are China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Thailand, and the United States.

Another swallow nest-producing area in Indonesia is South Kalimantan. The production of swallow's nest in this province reaches hundreds of tons every year. The swallow's nest is exported to various countries to be processed into health products, beauty, and food.

In 2021, data from the IQFAST of the Banjarmasin Agricultural Quarantine noted that swallow's nest production in South Kalimantan reached 252 tons. This amount is recorded in inter-rea traffic export activity through Syamsudin Noor Airport, Banjarbaru. In addition, as many as 155 swallow houses in South Kalimantan have been integrated from 14 companies with China's export destination.

North Sumatra is also an area that produces swallow's nest. The Agricultural Quarantine Agency through the Medan Agricultural Quarantine routinely conducts research to determine the advantages and competitiveness of Indonesia's swallow's nest.

Based on IQFAST data, the Medan Agricultural Quarantine noted that swallow's nest exports reached a frequency of 1,293 times with an economic value of IDR 4,386 trillion in the period January to October 2021. The increase in exports occurred in the following year, namely in the January to September 2022 period, reaching a frequency of 1,573 times with an economic value of up to IDR 6,062 trillion.

The reason swallow's nest is sold at high prices is because of its efficacy or benefits. The swallow's nest has a number of ingredients such as phenilalanin, minerals, antioxidants, calcium and so on which are good for the health of the body.

Here are some of the benefits of swallow's nests:

Such is a review of swallow's nest-producing areas in Indonesia. swallow's nest products from a number of these areas already have export subscriptions to 24 countries, ranging from the United States, Canada, Thailand, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, France, and so on. Meanwhile, the largest number of exports is sent for China's purposes.

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