Three Police Reports For Sukmawati Sukarnoputri

JAKARTA - Sukmawati Sukarnoputri's statement comparing the Prophet Muhammad with President Soekarno received a negative spotlight in the community. He was also reported to the police for his remarks.

This statement came when he was a speaker at a discussion forum to commemorate Heroes' Day on November 10. At that time, he compared Soekarno and the Prophet Muhammad at the time of independence.

There have been three police reports related to Soekarno's daughter's speech. Last week, November 15, Sukmawati was reported as a sympathizer of the Coordinator of Defense for Islam (Korlabi), Ratih Puspa Nusanti. The report is also registered under the number LP / 7393 / XI / 2019 / PMJ / Dit.Reskrimum.

Then, exactly two days later, it was the turn of Pemuda Muslim Bima (FPMB) to report Sukmawati to Bareskrim Polri. In the report, a compact disk (CD) containing a video recording of the speech and four sheets of video screen capture printout were used as evidence.

Third, reporting was also carried out by Irvan Noviandana against the daughter of the Indonesian proclaimer. The report is contained in number LP / 7456 / XI / 2019 / PMJ / Dit.Reskrimum.

From the three reports, Sukmawati was charged with a similar article, namely, Article 156a of the Criminal Code (KUHP) on religious blasphemy.

Sukmawati said her statement had no intention of comparing the Prophet Muhammad with the figure of his beloved father. This is because the context in his speech is more directed at inviting the younger generation to better understand the nationalism and patriotism that have developed since Sukarno's leadership.

"I am talking that the context of nationalism cannot be separated from the history of the nation. Those who have a sense of nationalism and patriotism have begun to teach them, they have begun to develop since being led by Bung Karno," he said.

According to him, those who reported him did not fully know his speech. So, it is advisable to first look at or study what he has said.

"It's better to really look for the complete video of 'Ibu Sukma, how do you actually talk?'," He said.