Why Did The Jambi Police Chief's Sundu Get Around When He Was Evacuated To The Super Puma Heli?

JAKARTA - The evacuation process for the Jambi Police Chief, Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, was dramatic. Even the evacuation process of Inspector General Rusdi, the calculation is difficult.

The evacuation process of Inspector General Rusdi was led by the Commander of the Command Battalion 462 Kopasgat, Lt. Col. Pas Muhammad Junaidi who participated directly in Tamiai Hill, Batang Merangin, Kerinci, Jambi Province, Tuesday, February 21.

At around 16:40 WIB, the Kopasgat 462 Command Battalion SAR Team using the H 3211 Super Puma Helicopter - manned by Major Pnb M. Ravi Rakasiwi - managed to evacuate victims of the Bell 412/P-3001 Helicopter accident using the Hoisting technique.

The evacuation process was dramatic. Especially when evacuating the Jambi Police Chief.

As we know, Inspector General Rusdi suffered an injury so that his position had to be slightly tilted. As a result, the drag cannot be balanced.

So the dragbar with the evacuation team from Yonko 462 Kopasgat when he was taken to the helicopter experienced a twist (rotating), but this was anticipated with Double Safety equipment used by the SAR team Yonko 462 Kopasgat.

Previously, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo confirmed that the Bell 412/P-301 helicopter carrying the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage were still airworthy. He made this statement to refute the issue of helicopter failure, causing problems and ending in an emergency landing at Bukit Tamiai.

Based on reports, the helicopter carrying the Jambi Police Chief was hampered by bad weather. So, it must land an emergency in the area in the Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS) area, Jambi.

"Because the weather is bad, an emergency landing is needed," said Sigit.

In addition, the National Police Chief said he would check all the conditions of the helicopter owned by the Police. Because, it is undeniable that there are some old helicopters.

"We also have old helicopters, made in 2000. But also the latest helicopters we also have and currently some are arriving," said Sigit.