Look At The Members Of Dimaki Debt Collector, Kapolda Metro: Supressed By My Blood, Capture Don't Take Long

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran admitted that he was boiling to see the behavior of debt collectors who were getting more and more arbitrary in Jakarta.In particular, after the robbery of a car belonging to the Instagram celebrity Clara Shinta which had gone viral on social media.In fact, the debt collector cursed at the police officers who tried to intervene."I see that these thugs have started to run rampant in Jakarta. Until last night I slept at 3 o'clock, my blood was boiling, I saw that the members were cursed at," said Inspector General Fadil, quoted from the Instagram account @kapoldametrojaya on Tuesday, February 21.Then, Fadil ordered all his members to take firm action against debt collectors. Thus, Jakarta is safe from all acts of thuggery."There is no longer a place for thugs in Jakarta. Don't back down anymore, sad my heart. Back and forth, those debt collectors like that, don't let them, fight them, don't take long," he said."This is Kasat serse-kasat cerse, don't be late when coming to the crime scene if there is such a thing. Be quick to respond, quickly arrest those thugs like that. Debt collectors if they say rudely," continued Fadil.In fact, the former East Java Police Chief also highlighted companies that use debt collector services. Supposedly, the collectors should not use harsh methods."Including the order, who is the leasing company that orders it. No longer can debt collectors who use violence. Terrorists are not allowed anymore. I order you this," said Fadil.