Money Is Reportedly Running Low, Prosecutor Pinangki: There's Still 1 Million USD

JAKARTA - The legal case of Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari has entered a new chapter after a trial held at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 6.

Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari revealed that his financial condition was running low. This was revealed after he was asked by Chief Judge Ignasius Eko Purwanto.

Attorney Pinangki's money was a deposit from her ex-husband, Djoko Budiharjo. The money is running low because it is used for various needs, one of which is to pay for lawyer services.

During the trial, the Chief Judge questioned the amount of money by Attorney Pinangki which reached 4 million USD. "Leftover money (now)?" he asked.

Pinangki's financial condition is admittedly getting thinner and far less than the initial nominal questioned by the presiding judge.

"There is still 1 million USD for paying lawyers to pay for the others," said Attorney Pinangki.

Pinangki previously explained that the money was 4 million USD. The money came from her ex-husband's savings. Related to the amount of the savings, Pinangki argued that her husband had prepared long before he died.

"(Form) Dollars, but it's not an inheritance, sir, a deposit. If my inheritance is taxed, sir. But if the savings means it is money I shared with him when he was alive, sir. So there is a separation of our assets," explained Pinangki.

In relation to the case of Attorney Pinangki, he was previously charged with three charges, the first was the receipt of a USD 500,000 bribe from the convicted Bank Bali cessie Joko Soegiarto Tjandra.

Second, Attorney Pinangki was charged with bribery money laundering, and finally the bribery case of AGO and Supreme Court officials with Andi Irfan Jaya and Joko Tjandra.